ACE Hardware: Take a selfie in front of the Windsor ACE Hardware Planter and post to FB, #windsormonarchproject. Tag @WindsorMonarchProject and @FirstTownDowntown for a chance to win a $25 Windsor Center gift card. Also tag @WindsorACEHardware and you’ll be eligible to stop in for a solar powered butterfly, while supplies last. Bean@226: Special "Butterfly Lemon-Aid". Portion of proceeds benefit ??. Blue Dragonfly: 25% off all butterfly merchandise July 2-13 Dom's Eatery: Butterfly Bagel with strawberry cream cheese $1 Energy Efficiencies Solutions Join Leticia Colon De Mejias on July 10, 12:00 for a reading of her original book Butterfly Rhythm Ewe & You Fiber Arts: Needle Felting Kits: Butterfly ??or Caterpillar ?? $25ea.. July 10 felting workshop free with kit purchase. During week by appt. Family Pizza: Free can of soda with a purchase of 2 slices of pizza on July 10. James Selig Estate Jewelry & Antiques: July 10, Pop up Market featuring multiple Artitists and Estate Sale. Irenes Traveling Pallette: Paint Party July 10, reservation and payment must be made by July 6. Click here to sign up. Space is limited. Moneta Moments: Butterfly Sugar Cookies. Will be available to purchase at The Bean@226. Wabi Sabi Yoga: Strike your favorite yoga pose in front of the Wabi Sabi planter, take a picture of your pose and post to FB, #windsormonarchproject. @WindsorMonarchProject and @FirstTownDowntown for a chance to win a $25 Windsor Center gift card. If you add #wabisabiyoga, you’ll receive $5 off your first yoga class at their studio. The Windsor Monarch Project: Take a picture in front of your favorite planter and post to FB, #windsormonarchproject. @TheWindosrMonarchProject and @FirstTownDowntown and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a $25 Windsor Center gift card. |