|  | | Windsor Historical Society’s popular Bounties of Bargains Tag Sale Fundraiser is back this fall! The Society is seeking donations and volunteers to support this giant tag sale, which takes place on the grounds of the Historical Society museum from Thursday, October 10 through Sunday, October 13. This huge community event has something for everyone, and you can help out!
Donations wanted! Items needed include household furnishings, cookware, china, utensils, glassware, toys, games, books, DVDs, tools, clothing, holiday decorations, antiques, home décor, costume jewelry, accessories, and more! No junk, please. Donations should be clean and serviceable. Tag sale donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and receipts benefit the Historical Society’s educational programs and museum operations. Donations will be accepted at the museum Mondays-Saturdays, September 16-28, 10 AM to 4 PM. Special extended hours until 6:30 PM on Wednesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 18, 19, 25, and 26.
Volunteers needed! It takes a village – and you can be a part of it. Help receive, sort, and organize donations, and monitor the tag sale event. Volunteers are needed every day from September 16 through October 13. Volunteers get special perks, including first dibs on sale items and unlimited leftovers after the tag sale. To volunteer, register online at: https://bit.ly/tagsalevolunteers or email windsorhistorical.tagsale@gmail.com. Visit windsorhistoricalsociety.org, email info@windsorhistoricalsociety.org, or call 860-688-3813, for more information. |